
Chemical accident at Disneyland sends worker to hospital

File image of the Disneyland monorail passing by as people walk towards the entrance to Disneyland.
(Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times)

A mix-up of cleaning products in the backstage of Disneyland sent one park worker to a hospital early Thursday morning.

Anaheim police spokesman Sgt. Jon McClintock said paramedics responded to the scene shortly after 2 a.m. after receiving a report of an accident involving chemicals. A Disneyland official said the incident occurred when “a small amount of cleaning products” came into contact with one another.

After video of a woman’s racist rant in a Disneyland bathroom went viral, a man protesting outside her San Bernardino County home was arrested on suspicion of trespassing, authorities said.

One custodial worker was briefly treated at the UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange out of an “abundance of caution” and released, McClintock said. He said another worker was treated at the park.


The incident happened after the park closed for the night and in the area accessed only by employees. No guests were affected, the Disneyland official said.
