• The NPD Group reports that 12 percent of vendors will not survive the recession. [WWD]
• Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, Adidas, and Diesel are all victims of Marc Dreier’s $400 million Ponzi scheme. [WWD]
• Lindsay Lohan’s Hollywood home was burglarized over the weekend while she was out. Thieves took off with bags, shoes, and jewelry. [NYDN]
• Over the weekend, Milla Jovovich married Paul W.S. Anderson in a dress she designed. [Just Jared]
• Jason Preston, Marc Jacobs’s ex, tweeted to Courtney Love on Friday: “I miss u love!!! I feel this is gunna b a VERY bad weekend 4me rumor around town is he’s getting married this weekend. :(” [CityFile]
• Meanwhile, Marc Jacobs’s fiancé (or husband, if a secret wedding took place over the weekend as rumored), Lorenzo Martone, worked on a fashion shoot featuring Melissa shoes for Nylon’s September issue. [FWD]