our casual dysmorphia

World’s Worst Mirror Scans Your Body and Tells You Precisely How Fat You Are

A mirror that's too smart for its own good.
A mirror that’s too smart for its own good. Photo: NAKED

Have you ever tried to see what your butt looks like to other people? It’s not easy: You either need back-to-back mirrors or a neck like an owl. Finally, a venture-capital-backed technology company has made butt-beholding easier with a smart mirror and rotating scale that spins you around like a jewelry-box ballerina and scans your body in 3-D so you can inspect every single one of your shortcomings.

The Naked 3D Fitness Tracker, now available for preorder for $499, performs a full-body scan in 20 seconds. Then, the companion app creates a claylike rendering of you in your undies. There, you can see a “heat map” showing where your body is growing muscle or gaining fat and view a time lapse of the effects of your exercise dedication — or sloth. The app will also spit out your body-fat percentage and the measurements of your biceps, thighs, calves, hips, and waist.

What you see on the Naked app. Photo: NAKED

The founder, an electrical engineer and former spin-class instructortold Mashable the mirror isn’t just for people who want to improve their fitness: “We have even tracked pregnancies month by month with some of our beta users so that they could see how their pregnancy changed their bodies.” Only a man would believe that good could come of that.

People like bodybuilders and others who enjoy self-torture might find this mirror highly motivating and much more accurate than home body-fat scales, which can be off by as much as 10 percent. This system is reportedly accurate within 2.5 percent, and possibly lower.

While it is helpful to see that your body is changing even if you aren’t losing weight, a 3-D tracker could be extra defeating if all those workouts aren’t doing a thing.

Smart Mirror Tells You Precisely How Fat You Are