
Matt Damon Explains How He Makes Brad Pitt Jealous

Photo: Esquire

Matt Damon is Esquire’s August cover subject, and as is now traditional in these sorts of venues, he ruminates on the properties of fame. Because he “fell in love with a civilian,” he avoids the paparazzi terror associated with Brangelina:

I got lucky, I fell in love with a civilian. Not an actress and not a famous actress at that. Because then the attention doesn’t double — it grows exponentially. Because then suddenly everybody wants to be in your bedroom.

I remember telling [Brad Pitt] that I walk my kids to school, and his face just fell. He was very kind, but he was like, ‘You b-stard.’ Because he should be able to do that, too. And he can’t.

Renowned fame-ruminator Tom Junod wrote the cover story. Title: “Matt Damon Is Real.” Excerpt: “Let’s face it, the guy is ridiculous. He’s ridiculously handsome. He’s ridiculously accomplished. He’s ridiculously smart. He’s ridiculously kind to those in need of his kindness. He’s ridiculously funny.”

Matt Damon Makes Brad Pitt Jealous