great divorces

Seal Didn’t Mean to Imply That Heidi Klum Was Cheating When He Said She Was ‘Fornicating With the Help’

Sadly, the singer and model’s divorce is becoming a bit messy, with Seal, and a fair share of tabloids, claiming that Heidi is dating her bodyguard Martin Kristen. TMZ stopped Seal outside of what looks like an airport (it’s always an airport) over the weekend, and he told the camera, “My main priority is the emotional well-being of my children, and to be quite honest, if there is going to be somebody else in their lives, I’d rather it was a familiar face … I would have preferred Heidi show a little bit more class, and at least wait until we separated first before deciding to fornicate with the help, as it were. But, I guess you all now have the answer that you’ve been looking for for the past seven months.” Then, the world briefly believed that maybe Heidi had an extramarital affair with Kristen; however, Seal’s rep contacted TMZ to clarify “that he was not implying his wife was cheating while they were together, but he was merely pointing out that their separation and divorce are not yet final and they are indeed still legally married,” and she still remains his power, his pleasure, his pain. Baby!

Seal Didn’t Mean That Heidi Klum Was Cheating