the future of literature as we know it

Here’s an Excerpt From Tyra Banks’s New Book Modelland

That's a smize, even with just the one eye.
That’s a smize, even with just the one eye.

In their online listing for Tyra’s first book, Barnes & Noble has graced the Internet with an excerpt from an early chapter. Although it doesn’t entirely make sense (psh, details!), we can tell that Modelland is going to be everything we hoped it would be and more. The excerpted scene portrays wannabe models competing in a huge catwalk walk-off for a coveted spot in the Intoxibellas’ (that’s what supermodels are called in Modelland, you see) training academy. There are no rules! Girls fight, fall into manholes, and Tookie, the main character, burps out of fear. Also, there are secondary characters called Desperada, Myrracle, Zarpressa, and (this being our personal favorite so far) Theophilus Lovelaces.

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Here’s an Excerpt From Tyra Banks’s New Book Modelland