Dear magazine editors: Lady Gaga >>>>>>>>>>>>> Taylor Swift. But isn’t that obvious without the Audit Bureau of Circulations’ latest batch of numbers, summing up who sold and who didn’t in 2010? Yes, friends: This is a year-end story that offers some new insights into the power and intrigue of last year’s most prolific celebrities rather than just recycled pictures of them in outfits. Fashion- and lady-mag covers featuring Lady Gaga were among the strongest selling across titles last year, while those featuring Taylor Swift were among the worst. Gaga’s Rolling Stone cover — which also included the provocative profile of Stanley McChrystal — sold three times as well as the average copy of the magazine in 2010. Her Vanity Fair cover was the magazine’s second-best seller, behind Angelina Jolie’s. Her Elle cover was the magazine’s third-best seller, while her Cosmopolitan cover was the magazine’s number-one-selling issue.