• Evan Rachel Wood doesn’t look like herself in these ads for Gucci’s latest fragrance, Gucci Guilty. Perhaps it’s the Gisele-like tan that’s throwing us off. [Design Scene]
• If it’s been a while since you cleaned out your makeup drawer, check out this handy list of cosmetics’ expiration dates. [• Learn how to rock smoky-blue eye shadow without looking like Mimi from The Drew Carey Show. [Fashion Indie]
• A teen beauty queen in a New Zealand beauty pageant was stripped of her crown (on-camera!) after she dyed her blonde hair dark brown. When the pageant organizer first saw it, she exclaimed, “Is that a wig? I hope it is. Don’t give me heart failure.” [• The normally wavy-tressed Rachel Zoe sported a crispy perm in her high-school yearbook photo. [What’s Right Now/InStyle]
• It looks like Katy Perry added some new rainbow wigs to her fake-hair arsenal in this photo shoot for the Guardian. [StyleList]