This year marks Barbie’s 50th anniversary, and it’s looking increasingly like Mattel is intent on acknowledging this fact throughout the entire year by periodically inserting itself into the fashion industry. Colette welcomes the next installment of this never-ending birthday party. Karl Lagerfeld has dressed some Barbie and Ken couples to display in the windows of the Colette boutique in Paris from March 9 through March 28 (on March 12 you can also enjoy the “high-security exhibition” of the first Barbie and Ken dolls ever created, if you’re so inclined). This might be the first installment of the birthday celebration that doesn’t annoy us. In fact, we’ll come right out and say it: We like it. It’s the Karl effect — just renders our better judgment useless. See more Barbies in Karl’s Chanel-inspired looks on Colette’s website.
Ken Lagerfeld and Barbie at Colette [Fashionista]