Trying to Connect

How we’ve resisted, embraced, and learned from our loneliness.

first person

Why Do I Feel Loneliest When I’m With My Family?

I spend most of the year longing to go home. But when I’m there, I have to admit that something’s changed.

Keep Reading

  1. advice
    What to Do When You’re Feeling LonelyOver 20 suggestions for how to cope from both the Cut staff and an expert on social connection.
  2. life hacks
    You’re Never Alone With an AudiobookTrust me: This year, I spent more than 2,000 hours listening to them to drown out the silence.
  3. talking to
    The Lonely Teens of TikTok“I made a video like: I have no friends. Here’s what I’m doing today! That definitely grabbed people’s attention.”
  4. first person
    I Never Belonged in IndianaLeaving Karachi, I thought it would eventually feel like home. But after 20 years, what’s keeping me here?
  5. first person
    What I Learned From Eating Alone in Public for a MonthI wasn’t afraid of loneliness. But after a month of solo sushi dinners on the Danube, I began to wonder if I would die alone.
  6. first person
    Why Do I Feel Loneliest When I’m With My Family?I spend most of the year longing to go home. But when I’m there, I have to admit that something’s changed.