TimesOC e-Newspaper: Sunday, May 10, 2020

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Happy Mother’s Day! Click below to read the TimesOC e-Newspaper for May 10, 2020.
TimesOC 5/10/20 e-Newspaper
This week’s coverage includes:
- A mother writes a memoir about 16 challenging, yet joyful, years of ‘Loving Tiara’
- As she tended to her coronavirus-infected son, she also feared for the hospitality workers she represents
- Jamboree Housing continues to build affordable housing complexes in O.C.’s fight against homelessness
- Fountain Valley storyteller produces online videos to keep children engaged with reading during pandemic
- Local activists come to aid of Oak View neighborhood during pandemic
- In her debut poetry collection, Anatalia Vallez explores her roots as a Latina writer in O.C.
- TimesOC Check-in: Laura’s House continues to help victims of domestic violence
- Tustin high school student wins first place in an international environmental science video contest
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