How many women won?

A record number of women ran. Here's what happened.

By Colleen Shalby and Andrea Roberson

The number of women in power has grown steadily, but this year's election, with more than 270 women running for Congress and governor, shattered records.

How many were there before?

Prior to this year's election, there were 107 women in Congress – 84 in the House, out of 435 members, and 23 in the Senate, out of 100. Six women were serving as governors, out of 50.

Which party has more women?

The majority of women running were Democrats, but both parties aimed to set a new high.

Democratic womanwomen elected
Republican womanwomen elected

How many historic firsts?

Numbers aside, several women made history.

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Races involving women running for the House, the Senate, or governor, updated as results continue to come in.

Women governors

were elected to serve as a governor. Of these, are incumbents.

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Women in the Senate

were elected to the Senate. Of these, are incumbents.

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Women in the House of Representatives

were elected to the House. Of these, are incumbents.

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Footnote: Two women who won their nomination but will not be running on election day still appear on their respective ballots. Aja Brown in California withdrew and April Freeman in Florida died after the primary.

Cindy Hyde Smith competed in a special election to fill a vacant seat. Since nobody won the top 50%, the top two go to a runoff election. This election between Hyde-Smith and Mike Epsy occurred on Nov. 27, 2018, which Hyde-Smith won.

Sources: Associated Press, Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder, Center for American Women and Politics, Times analysis

Photos by: Los Angeles Times, Associated Press, Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, AFP, Getty Images, Austin (Texas) American-Statesman

Credits: Ben Welsh, Anthony Pesce, Swetha Kannan, Priya Krishnakumar, Maloy Moore