Jean Guerrero
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Jean Guerrero is a former opinion columnist at the Los Angeles Times. Her writing has been featured in Vanity Fair, Politico, the Nation, Wired, the New York Times, the Washington Post and “Best American Essays 2019,” and she has contributed to NPR, “PBS NewsHour” and more. She started her career as a commodities correspondent in Mexico City for the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires. She is the author, most recently, of “Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump and the White Nationalist Agenda.” Her first book, “Crux: A Cross-Border Memoir,” won a PEN Literary Award. A native of San Diego, she is a graduate of USC’s journalism school and has a master of fine arts in nonfiction from Goucher College.
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Guerrero: This California millionaire is peddling eternal life. Why do so many people believe him?
If Bryan Johnson’s “Don’t Die slogan gets you hiking, so much the better — but the details should make you skeptical.
Young men, who tend to be more progressive than their elders, are the most isolated. Boys are retreating into the manosphere for reasons beyond addictive technologies.
Immigrants and their allies have a choice: Ignore Trump’s threats or prepare for them. Here is a set of tactics that could make a difference.
Si no podemos tener conversaciones políticas difíciles con algunas de las personas que más amamos, ¿cómo vamos a superar nuestras diferencias como nación?
If we can’t have tough political conversations with some of the people we love most, how are we going to overcome our differences as a nation?
The shapes of words preserve the quirks of the author’s interior life and physical body. As fragile as handwritten letters can be, we can keep them for a lifetime.
Columna: A mis 30 no me avergüenza no tener hijos, ni en Navidad ni en ninguna época del año
I love spending holidays with my family, particularly the matriarchs. But I know what comments to expect from my mom, aunts and others.
El expresidente tiene un historial comprobado de atraer a los votantes antiinmigrantes. Los rivales deberían dejar de intentar pasarlo por la derecha.
The former president has a proven record to appeal to the anti-immigrant voters. Rivals should give up trying to pass him on the right.