Jake Sheridan
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Jake Sheridan was a 2020 summer intern with Metro. Originally from Charlotte, he is a rising senior at Duke University studying political science, where he serves as features editor for the Duke Chronicle and reports for the 9th Street Journal. He previously reported for the Concord Monitor.
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Un nuevo estudio de UC Davis relaciona el distanciamiento social con los ingresos, mostrando que los ricos de Estados Unidos se han convertido en los menos móviles mientras que los más pobres se enfrentan a una mayor exposición.
A new UC Davis study links social distancing to income, showing America’s wealthy have become its least mobile while poorer people face more exposure.
A Ventura County Superior Court judge Friday granted a temporary restraining order against Godspeak Calvary Chapel and pastor Rob McCoy, forbidding the church’s indoor services and demanding adherence to statewide and local health orders aimed at slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Restaurants and food trucks can operate but L.A. County public heath officials continue to shut out vendors who prepare food at farmers markets.
Ventura County is suing pastor Rob McCoy and Godspeak Calvary Chapel, which has hosted in-person, indoor services without masks or social distance since May 31.
The city attorney’s office has said homeowners with a history of renting to partygoers could face criminal prosecution and six months in jail.
The Navy expects to perform a seafloor recovery operation to recover the lost troops at the end of the week.
Pastor Carieta Cain Grizzell found racist slurs and threats carved into Murph-Emmanuel AME Church outside Sacramento. The FBI is investigating.
Around 40 individuals on USC’s fraternity-filled 28th Street have contracted the virus. Both UCLA and USC have reported over 150 positive cases.
Orange County board of education votes to sue Newsom to reopen schools. Law firm Tyler & Bursch will represent the board