Familia, let’s talk about nuestra salud mental

In multigenerational Latino households, people’s comfort with talking about mental health can vary. This Times series aims to offer a common framework, providing Southern California Latinos with information, resources, first-person accounts and professional advice on mental health topics. The project is led by Times staff writer Karen Garcia.
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Young, queer Latinos are breaking traditional gender expectations and claiming their identities on their own terms.
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Young Latino creatives are letting go of traditional gender norms — and forging their identities in new and freeing ways.
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La poetisa Vianney Harelly cuenta cómo aprendió a atender las necesidades de nuestro “niño interior” a través de la terapia.
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Dia del Niño is a celebration of children. Poet Vianney Harelly shares how she learned how to attend to the needs of our “inner child” through therapy.
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El curanderismo es una práctica curativa tradicional con muchas formas y aplicaciones. Su aceptación está creciendo en algunos rincones de la comunidad médica.
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Curanderismo is a traditional healing practice with many forms and applications. Its acceptance is growing in some corners of the medical community.
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Language and culture are intertwined, and many Latino Americans are seeking to learn or improve their Spanish to form deeper connections with family and their own identities.
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Elder Jerry Tello talks about how traditional healing can fill the gaps of a clinical setting.
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How to talk about mental health in a multigenerational Latino household
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As Mexican singer-songwriter Carla Morrison releases a new album and embarks on a tour, she’s talking openly and honestly about her mental health.
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First generation trauma is an emerging term in the Latino community, with people talking about it on social media. Here’s how it affects children of immigrant parents.
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Identifying culturally competent mental health professionals can help your healing journey. Here’s how to find one who meets your needs.
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How do Latino/Latinx individuals talk about or deal with mental health?
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El trauma de primera generación es un término emergente en la comunidad latina, y la gente habla de él en las redes sociales. Aquí se explica cómo afecta a los hijos de padres inmigrantes.
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La identificación de profesionales de la salud mental culturalmente competentes puede ayudar a su proceso de curación. He aquí cómo encontrar uno que satisfaga sus necesidades.