People Assisting The Homeless (PATH)
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We know that homes end homelessness, and the past two years have only emphasized the critical importance of having a safe place to call home. In these uncertain times, one thing is undeniable - communities across California are experiencing a homelessness and housing crisis. That’s where PATH comes in. Committed to ending homelessness for individuals, families and communities throughout the state, our teams work on the frontlines to provide a full range of resources. These programs include street outreach, interim housing, mental health services, employment assistance, veteran programs, and family services - all to help our neighbors move off the street and into homes of their own. HELP US END HOMELESSNESS!
Address: 340 N. Madison Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90004
Phone: 323.644.2200
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @pathpartners
Instagram: @pathpartners
Top Executive: Joel John Roberts, CEO
Year Established: 1984
PATH provides services in more than 150 cities in six regions: Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Jose and Sacramento.
Our mission is to end homelessness for individuals, families, and communities. PATH envisions a world where every person has a home. Our values include creative collaborations, strategic leadership, empowerment for all, and passionate commitment.