Goodwill of Orange County
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Most people think of Goodwill as just a thrift store. But our business is really about changing lives. We help match meaningful employment opportunities and pathways to independence for every individual seeking a new beginning, a second chance, or a step up. Our mission helps make independence a reality for the people we serve -- through the transformative power of a meaningful job.
Address: 410 N. Fairview St., Santa Ana, CA 92703
Phone: 714.547.6308
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @ocgoodwill
Twitter: @ocgoodwill
Instagram: @ocgoodwill
Top Executive: Nicole Suydam, President & CEO
Year Established: 1924
Goodwill of Orange County helps people who are facing barriers find and keep jobs, which provides purpose, pride and dignity.
Orange County
Hire Goodwill-trained program participants. We have nearly 100 years of experience matching the needs of Orange County employers with employees who have the skills you need. We have qualified, eager candidates ready to work, ready to help you reach your business goals. By hiring from Goodwill of Orange County, you are giving individuals with disabilities and other barriers the opportunity to build a career, find purpose, pride and dignity, and reach their full potential.
In 2021 so far, we have served more than 16,000 individuals facing barriers through our Disabilities Services and Workforce Development programs and provided more than 200,000 hours of job coaching. With your support, you are making these programs and many others possible and directly impacting thousands of lives right here in Orange County.
Our mission is fueled by donations and purchases at our collection of 24 local thrift stores and our online site, We remain accountable stewards of your donations and Goodwill purchases, and more than 92 cents of every dollar we spend goes directly into our programs and services.
Attend a See The Good Virtual Tour. Knowledge is power. Join us over Zoom for an inside look at our mission, the people we serve, and the power of work. Invite friends, family and your network to join and help us get more people in on the Good. To RSVP for an upcoming tour, email [email protected].