Alzheimer’s Los Angeles

Giving 2024
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Alzheimer’s Los Angeles is the leading local community-based organization nationally and internationally recognized for providing high-impact support and education programs to people living with the disease and their families. The impact of our programs has been recognized through more than a dozen national awards. We are also engaged in healthcare policy advocacy on the local, state, and federal levels.

We are proud of our legacy as a leader in innovative programming for people living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia and for their families.

Until there’s a cure, we’ll provide the care. Free programs & services include:

• Social Work Dementia Care Specialists

• Caregiver education and skills training

• Support programs for people in the early stages of memory loss and their care partners

• In-person, online, and telephone-based support groups in multiple languages

TOP EXECUTIVE Heather Cooper Ortner, President & CEO



Greater Los Angeles


Dedicated to improving the lives of families affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia by increasing awareness, delivering effective programs and services, providing compassionate support, and advocating for quality care and a cure.


EVENTS: Visionary Women’s Afternoon Tea March 2024

OTHER WAYS TO GIVE: Monthly Giving, Peer-to-Peer events, Tribute Gifts, Bequests and Planned Gifts, Appreciated Stock, etc. For more information, visit:



Susan Disney Lord Board Co-Chair, Investor

Jeffrey Glassman | Board Co-Chair, CEO, Covington Capital Management

Lisa Chalfin | Treasurer, Warner Pacific Insurance Services Inc., Senior Financial Analyst

Randi Jones | Secretary, Retired

Jacqueline Macias | Immediate Past Chair, Consultant/Business Advisor

Niloo Bedrood | Deloitte Advisory, Managing Director

Kenneth Chiate | Quin Emanuel, Partner

Helena Chui, M.D. | University of Southern California, Professor & Chair, Dept of Neurology

Winston Greene | Caregiver

Alan Hartley | McCormick Construction, President

Hon. Barbara R. Johnson | Retired, ADR Services, INC, Mediator & Arbitrator

Susie Levin vRetired

Mark S. Liberman | Retired

Deborah Lindberg & Sydnee Singer | Early-Stage Liaison

Kirk Moody | Retired

Karl J. Schulze | Schulze Haynes Loevenguth & Co., LLC, President

Zaldy Tan, M.D. | Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Carmen and Louis Warschaw Endowed Chair in Neurology; Director,

Bernard & Maxine Platzer | Lynn Family Memory and Aging Program; Medical Director, Jona Goldrich Center for Alzheimer’s and Memory Disorders

Dung Trinh, M.D. | Healthy Brain Clinic, Chief Medical Officer

Susan Wohl | The Hirsch Family Foundation, Director

Emeritus Members:

Robert Hirsch

Matthew Reid

Elliot Sainer


ADDRESS 4221 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 290-5 Los Angeles, CA 90010

PHONE 323.938.3379

EMAIL [email protected]


FACEBOOK @AlzheimersLA


LINKEDIN Alzheimer’s Los Angeles