
Amanda Bynes wants free of her parents; they may give up authority

While Amanda Bynes was tweeting about wanting to get control of her money away from her parents, they appeared to be taking steps to hand conservatorship of their daughter over to a professional.

A private conservator will take over the 28-year-old’s medical and day-to-day needs after paperwork is completed to make the transfer legal, TMZ and People magazine reported Thursday.

While the self-proclaimed retired actress was being held involuntarily at a Pasadena mental health facility in late October, Lynn Bynes had once again been granted temporary conservatorship of her daughter’s financial and medical decisions. However, since Amanda was released late last week -- despite doctors trying to get her to stay in treatment for at least another month -- she’s reportedly getting only a small amount of money, enough to take care of her daily needs.


It hasn’t been enough to allow the actress-turned-student to get an apartment in the L.A. area, she said this week on Twitter. She’s reportedly been crashing with friends, and on Thursday she was photographed asleep on a couch at the Beverly Center.

“I was not given money for a hotel so i have been staying with friends and i didn’t get enough sleep last night so I fell asleep on a couch @ the beverly center and a paparazzi snuck in and took pictures of me FYI ! I hate my parents for still not giving me money for a hotel,” she said Thursday in a series of tweets.

“What is wrong with them?,” she continued. “My lawyer is working to have them fully removed from being my conservator, because they don’t deserve control over my money -- They are miserable in their life and I will fight to get control of my finances taken away from them!”


The former child star is reportedly worth in the neighborhood of $5 million.

While her mother had a yearlong conservatorship put in place in late 2013, Bynes was living with her parents after months of inpatient and outpatient mental health care. Shortly after the order ran out in September, the “She’s the Man” star was arrested again on suspicion of driving under the influence. She then flew off to New York City, where her behavior made more headlines.

Her parents successfully maneuvered to get her back on the West Coast and into rehab for a couple of weeks, but in the last week, since her release, she’s been photographed hanging out in and around West Hollywood.

A source close to the situation told People magazine that her parents’ decision to have the conservatorship transferred to a pro didn’t mean they were abandoning their youngest.


“Her mother being conservator is not doing her any good and Amanda is not progressing,” the source told the magazine. “They want someone she will respond to and work with. A professional conservator can live with her, have constant access to her and is equipped to deal with everything in a less emotional way.”

That pro would see to it that Amanda would stick to her medications and doctor appointments, People reported, and make sure she was sheltered and fed.

TMZ also said Lynn and Rick Bynes will be moving to Texas to be closer to their older daughter, Jillian O’Keefe.

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