Mary Alexander
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Mary Alexander was recognized as one of the Top 100 Attorneys in California in 2020 and 2021 as a result of obtaining some of the largest verdicts and settlements in the state. Such cases include:
$305 Million Settlement in Lead Paint Case – Mary Alexander was a lead attorney working tirelessly to negotiate a $305 million settlement on behalf of ten California counties against several paint companies involved in the nearly 20-year lawsuit over lead paint in California. Ms. Alexander worked on this case for its entirety with the settlement ending two decades of litigation, which included a $1.15 billion bench verdict.
$32.7 Million Settlement in Premises Liability Case – Three-and-a-half years after the Ghost Ship Fires occurred, costing the lives of 36 people and injuring several others, the lawsuit was resolved in the summer of 2020 for $32.7 million against the City of Oakland. 32 families, along with a survivor who suffered brain damage and burns, agreed to the settlement. The City had 100s of contacts with the Ghost Ship over more than two years, by police and firemen who knew that people lived there, but the City turned a blind eye. Ultimately, a fire occurred that cost dozens of lives, ruined numerous families and injured dozens of other people. Mary was Liaison Counsel for a team of highly skilled attorneys that obtained this tremendous result. The case also resolved against PG&E.
$21.4 Million Jury Verdict in Benzene Case – Mary Alexander obtained a $21.4 million jury verdict on behalf of the families of two brothers who died of cancer as a result of their exposure to the known cancer-causing chemical benzene. The trial lasted over four weeks with the jury deliberating for roughly 3 days. The families of Gary Eaves and his brother Randy Eaves filed a lawsuit against Union Oil which made the benzene-containing rubber solvent the brothers regularly worked with at their jobs in a tire manufacturing plant. The brothers were longtime employees of the plant and exposed to large amounts of benzene in their work. The jury sided with the plaintiffs who contended the oil company knew the solvents they sold contained benzene.
Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C.
44 Montgomery Street, Suite 1303, San Francisco, CA 94104
• Phone: 415.433.4440 • Fax: 415.433.5440 •