1. the cinema
    I Wish the Intern on The Intern Had Been a WomanWe need more older women onscreen, not fewer.
  2. from the mouths of men
    Wallets Full of WomenLet’s analyze what the GOP candidates said when asked, “Which woman would you put on the $10 bill?”
  3. Kim Davis Is Just the BeginningOpponents will try to chip away at marriage equality, just as they have done with abortion rights.
  4. wage gap
    Do We Really Want Equal Pay?It’s Women’s Equality Day, but what kind of equality do we really want?
  5. past misdeeds
    Living in a Post-Delete WorldIf you want to escape your digital past, you had better start running.
  6. trump files
    What Trump Teaches Us About Online TrollsLearn from the master.
  7. lessons
    Career Resolutions Based on My Professional FailuresPlease. Learn from my mistakes.
  8. mentorship
    It Takes More Than a Mentor to Win at Work Advice on finding a sponsor from a Wall Street leader.
  9. race
    Yes, White People, It Is About YouJust not in the way you think.
  10. language
    Can We Just, Like, Get Over the Way Women Talk?The problem with policing vocal tics.
  11. gender
    The Personal Politics of Public BathroomsThey’re the place where we’re all caught with our pants around our ankles.
  12. gender
    How Do You Know You’re a Woman?Trans or not, it’s a hard question to answer.
  13. hollywood
    The Triumph of the ‘Girl Movie’The movies teen girls love become classics because they’re so much more than films.
  14. rituals
    What Getting Your Nails Done Really MeansAnd why the manicure habit is so hard to break.
  15. generation gap
    Older Women Aren’t Enemies, They’re EnviedWhat a new show gets wrong about the gap between 20-somethings and 40-somethings.
  16. friends forever
    Can Hillary Come Between Friends?When politics and friendship collide.
  17. pay day
    Women Can’t End the Wage Gap on Their OwnAsking for more is great — but employers have to do their part, too.
  18. silicon valley sexisim
    The Real Lesson of the Ellen Pao VerdictThe rules we’ve got can’t solve the problem of sexism.
  19. work
    On Being a BadassMac McClelland, Lynsey Addario, and what it means to be a woman in a dangerous world.
  20. me me me me me
    How to Have a Good Relationship — With YourselfTaking time for self-love and self-care, whether you’re single or not.
  21. motherhood
    Can We Solve Our Child-Care Problem?The State of the Union is just the start.
  22. year in review
    2014: The Year Everyone (Finally) Started Talking About Sexual AssaultThe stories weren’t new, but this year the world paid attention.
  23. love
    Friendship Breakups Are Our First HeartbreaksSo why is it hard to take platonic love seriously as we get older?
  24. tall tales
    What It’s Like to Be a Woman Who’s 6’2”I’ve gotten more comfortable with myself — but not with the feelings my body seems to bring out in other women.
  25. shake shake shake
    Shaking Off the Haters Won’t Solve Online HarassmentIt’s my strategy, but it only works because I’m lucky.
  26. elections
    Why the Midterms Were Bad News for WomenEven though some high-profile female candidates got elected.
  27. elections
    How Will Women Voters Use Their Power This Election?Both parties want women’s votes — whether they know what women want is another question.
  28. power
    Events for ‘Powerful Women’ Don’t Empower AnyoneBut they do help corporations have it all.
  29. speaking up
    Oh Yes Means Yes: The Joy of Affirmative ConsentThe new California law means more conversations about what we really want.
  30. making friends
    The Importance of Friendship DiversityIt matters just as much off hours as it does in the workplace.
  31. ovaries week
    What If You Just Don’t Know If You Want Kids?Some women aren’t delaying parenthood — they’re debating it.
  32. football
    The NFL’s Disgusting Message to Abused WomenThe league is saying that their testimony isn’t enough.
  33. good looks
    Sometimes a Little Objectification Can Be a Good ThingThe exception to a feminist rule.
  34. prime time
    The Power of 29: An Ode to Being Almost 30It’s the moment when everything starts to turn around.
  35. illusions
    Why Not Admit We Didn’t Wake Up Like This?Goop, Preserve, and the myth of “effortlessness.”
  36. pink-collar jobs
    Why Do We Treat PR Like a Pink Ghetto?The profession remains synonymous with the worst female stereotypes.
  37. hard choices
    What Hillary Clinton and Hobby Lobby Have in CommonThe struggle to reconcile personal beliefs and professional obligations.
  38. decisions
    What a Woman’s Choice Means to the Supreme Court and Social ConservativesFor women, sex is apparently just an option — an inessential luxury.
  39. trigger warnings
    The Scary Reason Some Men Like Guns Better Than WomenI saw a sign hanging above his desk. It said, “10 reasons why a handgun is better than a woman.”
  40. super-fandom
    The Self-Help Book Women Love to Give Each OtherCheryl Strayed’s “Dear Sugar” book is approaching cult status. 
  41. comic relief
    When Fat Women Tell Fat JokesMaking weight something more than an easy punch line.
  42. office politics
    Jill Abramson Will Never Know Why She Got FiredWomen leaders can never be sure if they’re struggling because of their own performance, or others’ expectations.
  43. true stories
    I Was Shailene Woodley: I Used to Say I Wasn’t a FeministWhy we shouldn’t be so quick to condemn young women who avoid the F-word.
  44. higher education
    Colleges Need a New Attitude to Stop Sexual Assault on CampusPSAs and investigations are a start — but institutional change is hard.
  45. politics
    Women Politicians and the Relatability ProblemWhy the assumption that men won’t connect to female candidates?
  46. decisions
    Egg Freezing and the Empowerment ParadoxThe message of expensive fertility fixes? You’re in control, so you’re to blame if things don’t work out
  47. decisions
    Moving for Love: The Modern Relationship MilestoneOf all the big life choices that come before kids, it’s the one that crops up most frequently with the least historical precedent.
  48. bisexuality
    Let People Coming Out Choose Their Labels ThemselvesSorry, Andrew Sullivan: Tom Daley can call himself whatever he wants.
  49. innovation
    Silicon Valley Disrupts Discrimination: Now It’s for Middle-Aged White Guys, TooWelcome, men, to the world of being hyperaware of how you’re perceived, every moment of every workday.
  50. bad words
    The Problem With Sheryl Sandberg’s ‘Ban Bossy’ CampaignFeminism is at its best when it’s creating more choices, not more rules.
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