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Yes, You Need a Sweater Brush

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Retailers

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No matter how nice an outfit looks from far away, it’s a problem if it’s covered in lint, stray hairs, or pills up close. Come winter, pilling sweaters threaten to throw the style equilibrium off its axis, Particularly at risk: my favorite season-old Extreme Cashmere sweater, which is my go-to piece for cold days.

It doesn’t matter how plush or expensive a sweater may be — high-friction areas like the elbow, armpit, and waist become covered in furry little bits of fabric that can make something fancy into something unpolished. And though there’s something satisfying about pulling off little pills individually, it’s ultimately way too time-consuming.

Luckily, the solution is small enough to slip into my purse: a sweater brush or comb.

In prime sweater season, it’s something I make sure to carry around with the consistency of my wallet or keys. Before a work meeting or a catch-up with a friend, I slip into the bathroom, and instead of powdering my nose or applying lipstick, I pull out my little sweater brush and get to work on any annoying pills.

How do you properly use a sweater brush or comb?

The key to using a sweater brush or comb without hurting the knitwear is to make sure not to drag or catch the comb on the sweater. While ideally I do my de-pilling with my knitwear lying flat, when I’m out and about, I’m careful to keep the area I’m working on pulled taut.

Go for short, repetitive passes over problem areas, and apply light to medium pressure to avoid doing any major damage.

Electric sweater shavers versus sweater combs

Electric shavers do work. However, you have to be more careful while using them. There was a time when I had an electric sweater shaver and put a few holes in my lightweight cashmere, so now I prefer to spend a few extra minutes doing it all by hand.

Other benefits of using a sweater brush

For fabrics like alpaca or mohair, brushing softly in one direction not only de-pills but also fluffs knitwear, which is essential, especially after hand-washing it.

Pro tip

Instead of waiting until the sweater is on, this year I’m taking a more preemptive approach. Last Saturday, hiding at home from 18-degree weather, I put on the latest episode of Real Housewives and got to work on a tall pile of my favorite knits — a worthy weekend chore. Now I know when I reach for them, they’ll be pill free.

Best sweater brushes and combs

The luxurious option

Photo: Retailer

For a truly luxurious and premium sweater experience, I love Lauren Manoogian’s full set, which includes a comb, rake, and brush for what is potentially a slightly over-the-top amount of sweater care. The set is made in Japan and feels like a small luxury to have at home.

The convenient combs

For the everyday, I love a small sweater comb from J.Crew, which I keep on hand for emergencies. But there are plenty of other brands who sell their versions for under $25.

Yes, You Need a Sweater Brush