
My Favorite Weekend: Clint Black

Singer Clint Black is wearing some different hats these days. His Stetson’s still firmly in place when he’s in country-music mode, as he will be Saturday night at South Coast Winery in Temecula. But he’s also donned an actor’s cap, starring with Patrick Warburton in “Flicka 2,” just out on DVD.

“I had the best time making it,” he admitted, “and as the dad of a 9-year-old, it’s nice to bring something home the family can watch together. It sparks some good conversations.”

And here’s what he had to say about wearing his leisure toque during a weekend in L.A. with actress-wife Lisa Hartman and daughter Lily.

Wide open spaces

One place we like to spend time with Lily is Holmby Park, over on Beverly Glen between Sunset and Wilshire. There’s a playground there and a nice, big walking area. But she’s getting to the age where she’s not going to have much fun there without bringing along her skateboard.

But we also like to hang around the Grove. Lily used to like American Girl, though now maybe she’s getting a little old for that. But the Grove is still a nice place to walk around and sit by the water, get a bite to eat or catch a movie.

A matter of taste

There’s a great breakfast place just east of the Beverly Center called Joan’s on 3rd. You can make a 9-year-old real happy going there. The sweets, you know, big-time. My wife Lisa will get egg whites and spinach with some fruit. She’s always leaned toward a Pritikin-type diet. Some of us have to push ourselves but she’s already there. So if I’m trying to be healthy, I’ll get an egg-white omelet with bell peppers and tomatoes. Otherwise I’ll eat just about anything. Anything but mushrooms.

For fun, we love a place in Hermosa Beach called the Comedy & Magic Club, and we also like the Hollywood Bowl and Greek Theatre for music. And I saw Boston and Styx at Universal the last time they were there. I have pretty wide musical tastes.

The In Crowd

For just the two of us, we really like Sushi Roku on 3rd Street, but good luck getting in. I’ll have my assistant call and drop somebody else’s name: “Hello, I’m calling from Tom Hanks’ office and he’d like to get Clint Black and his wife a table, please.”

But if that doesn’t work, we also like the sampler platter at Hamburger Hamlet.

Sunday with Tony

For a nice Sunday brunch with the family, we’ll go to Taverna Tony’s in Malibu. We’ve been taking Lily there since she was a baby. The belly dancers aren’t shaking it yet that early, and we like to sit outside. I’ve always loved the stuffed grape leaves and the big steak fries. And of course Lisa always gets the grilled fish with no sauce or butter or oil. I’ll admit, I’m kinda jealous of her discipline.

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