
Courtney Love Regrets Weighing in on Depp v. Heard

Photo: David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images

In the six weeks since the trial began for Johnny Depp’s defamation lawsuit against Amber Heard in Fairfax, Virginia, an astounding number of people have felt compelled to share their personal interpretations of the evidence presented. At the center of the case is a defamation lawsuit Depp filed against his ex-wife Heard for calling herself a survivor of sexual violence in a 2018 op-ed. Heard, who is countersuing, claims Depp’s team ran a smear campaign against her after she came forward with abuse allegations against Depp in 2016. As the trial has progressed, Heard has faced an incredible amount of vitriol from hordes of Depp fans — even after Heard’s graphic testimony accusing Depp of sexually assaulting her with a liquor bottle and saying she’d feared he would kill her.

A number of public figures have jumped at the chance to discredit and publicly ridicule Heard — including Ireland Baldwin, Bill Burr, and Chris Rock. Last weekend, Courtney Love added her own thoughts. In a video posted to a friend’s account, Love recalled that Depp gave her CPR after she’d overdosed at a club in 1995 and supported her daughter, Frances Bean, while Love was struggling with addiction.

While Love said she had “empathy” for Heard, she suggested Heard was taking advantage of the Me Too movement. “I’ve been the most hated woman in America,” Love said, “and I have a lot of empathy for what that must feel like for Amber. But if you use a movement for your own personal gain and you inhabit queer, feminist, intersectional spaces and you abuse that moment, then I hope justice gets served — whatever it is.”

It seems Love has since thought better of sharing her opinion. She quickly addressed the video in a post on her Instagram account. “I engaged in expressing thoughts online. The platform accidentally posted a story I didn’t want public,” she wrote. “Is it ANY OF MY FUCKING BUSINESS? No.”

While Love did not name Heard or Depp in the Instagram post, she wrote, “I did not want to express my own bias / internalized mysoginy … I want nothing to do with contributing more online bullying to someone enduring being bullied like noone ever has been online … I was wrong. The only important takeaway, of what was posted, is that I expressed that we should all stop having ‘fun with schadenfraude’ … & show sincere empathy for both parties.” Love concluded that she would be going “back to my offline life,” which might be her best take of all.

Courtney Love Regrets Weighing in on Depp v. Heard