some thoughts

Chelsea Clinton Doesn’t Think Ivanka Trump Deserves Any Sympathy

Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton.
Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton. Photo: Laura Cavanaugh/Getty Images

Leading up to the 2016 presidential election, Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump maintained the façade that their friendship was intact, despite their parents’ rivalry — a claim that was, rightfully, met with skepticism. Since Donald Trump was sworn into office, the two have stayed relatively mum on the nature of their relationship, but in a new interview with the Guardian, Chelsea finally reveals her thoughts on the First Daughter.

Though they may not share the exact same politics, it’s not all that surprising that Ivanka and Chelsea are friends: They’re close in age; both grew up in wealthy, powerful families; and come the 2016 presidential campaign, the two became daughters of presidential candidates.

While Chelsea claims that they haven’t totally fallen out in the past year and a half — the two just haven’t spoken in “a long time” — she disapproves of Ivanka’s unwavering support of her father, which she expresses diplomatically to the Guardian.

“She’s an adult. She can make the choices for herself,” she says, referring to Ivanka. “We are responsible for our choices.”

To argue her point, Chelsea describes how she took the progressive stance on marriage rights for LGBTQ Americans in 2008, even though her mother, Hillary Clinton, opposed.

“In 2008 I was really proud to support my mum — but I disagreed with her fundamentally on a few things, particularly her then opposition to equal marriage rights for LGBTQ Americans,” she says. “I never defended that position, because it wasn’t what I believed was the right thing to do.”

So maybe they’re not technically friends … but they’re friendly?

Chelsea Clinton Doesn’t Think Ivanka Trump Deserves Sympathy