near extinction

How Do You Know If You’re on a Date?

Photo: Shutterstock

Cindi Leive and the Glamour staff have set out to reignite the fire in America’s loins by declaring Saturday, June 28, National Date Night, and facilitating the whole event through restaurant and retail deals. According to a survey in Glamour’s upcoming July issue, 73 percent of women report having no idea if they are even on a date or not, because we’re all so ruined by booty calls, text-based love affairs, and the long-term fantasy relationships we have with people’s Tinder profiles before even speaking to them.

How can you tell if you’re on a date? If we define “date night” by the companies involved in the promotion — e.g., Piperlime, Whole Foods, and Drybar — then a date is when one participant gets a blowout and a new outfit, and two people share either a moderately priced meal at a national chain or overpriced food in the Whole Foods café.

This already seems too complicated. A better gauge: Are you boning? If so, it may be date night.

How Do You Know If You’re on a Date?