
Google Hires Fashion Exec to Lead Glass Team

Photo: Courtesy of Google Glass

Google continues the crusade to trick the mainstream into accepting Google Glass — first with stylish frames, then a design partnership with Luxottica, the sunglass retailer that owns Ray-Ban and Prada. And, in a letter posted to Google Plus last night, the company announced their next move: hiring fashion executive Ivy Ross to lead the Google Glass team. With stints at Calvin Klein, Swatch, Coach, and Gap, Ross, it would seem, has been charged with bringing some fashion cred to the endeavor.

Like Apple (which hired Burberry’s Angela Ahrendts and former YSL CEO Paul Deneve earlier this year), Google is making a big push to put the wearability in wearable tech. But could any “Head of Glass” have enough fashion credentials to get rid of that “Glasshole” stigma?

Google Hires Fashion Exec to Lead Glass Team