It seemed only right to close out Fashion Week with the most intense paparazzi scrum we’d been in all season. When we walked into the tents Thursday night for L.A.M.B., everything seemed normal — only a few photographers were spotted on the runway, and there was quiet chatter from all sides about how everyone wanted to get celebratory cocktails. But then we noticed something — and by “we,” we mean, “all the journalists in the room, at exactly the same time:” One seat, in the prime section of the front row, bore the name Luciana Barroso, and right next to it was a sign that read, “Matt Damon.” Wait a second. Matt freaking Damon? An Oscar-winner? Were we about to witness first-hand the talents of one Mr. Ripley? “Oh my God,” the entire room seemed to breathe at once. And just like that, a mob camped out in front of his seat for some good old-fashioned Will hunting.