
Alexander Wang’s New Mentor: Diane Von Furstenberg

As his prize for winning the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund, Alexander Wang gets $200,000 and business mentoring from an industry veteran. CFDA president Diane Von Furstenberg has been named as his mentor. Wang will work with her and her team, including DVF president Paula Sutter.

We never would have imagined Wang and Von Furstenberg working together. She’s all about easy, breezy dresses and pretty, colorful prints, and he’s all about ripped jeans and shoes that look like they could double as a weapon. We adore both lines, it’s just hard for us to imagine Wang and DVF holding hands and skipping down Seventh Avenue together. (But we would love to see that on The City.)

As for the runners-up, Albertus Swanepoel will be mentored by Andy and Kate Spade, and Sophie Buhai and Lisa Mayock of Vena Cava will be mentored by Patrick Robinson and Andrew Rosen.

DVF, The Mentor [British Vogue]

Alexander Wang’s New Mentor: Diane Von Furstenberg